Architectural window replacement at University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman Center for Political Science & Economics has progressed nicely, and here are before-and-after photos of the older portion of the structure with its beautiful historic façade. (Note the new addition taking shape to the left in the “after” shot.)
For this retrofit application involving a high degree of historic architectural care on the part of the client, we had the privilege of designing custom installation accessories to accommodate a window unit approved by the National Park Service for replication of historic steel windows. With this combination, we were able to match the aesthetic features of the original windows and offer a high-performance architectural grade aluminum window with low-e insulating glazing.
With that strategy in place, we worked with Kawneer / TRACO to procure the 201 windows and began installation in January 2017. Our team will install another 29 windows later this spring after the new addition is tied in to the existing structure.
“It’s been a real pleasure to work with GC Hunter Roberts Construction on this project,” said project manager Greg Laska.
More about Perelman Center construction project
This new home for the Perelman Center (PCPSE) combines the rehabilitation of the existing building at 133 S. 36th Street in Philadelphia with an addition to its north. “In this project,” according to the UPenn website, “the existing building will be fully renovated, with its south and west façades kept and restored. The renovated existing building and the new addition will be occupied and used in its entirety by the PCPSE.”