Because we care about people first.
At Graboyes Commercial, we’re dedicated to a culture of safety because there is nothing more important than the health and wellbeing of people. All of our mechanics maintain OSHA certification as well as CPR training. Our risk management consultant reviews safety requirements on each major project, and our safety committee meets on a monthly basis to review safety practices. Several of our field personnel are trained and certified for asbestos handling and lead abatement. A diverse curriculum of continuing education is available to our journeypeople through their respective union training centers.
We’re very proud to have received several Specialty Contractor Safety Excellence Awards from the State of Delaware and to have been honored with numerous national Crest Safety Awards by FCA International including 2012 national finalist, 2013 top 10, 2014 top 3, 2015 national winner, and 2018 top 3. The CREST award identifies contractors that “have proven that protecting their employees is a priority at their company, and that they are a leader in construction safety.”